Spain - Copa del Rey

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ager Maurice 40 1m95 United States
Ahearn Blake 40 1m87 United States
Almond Morris 39 1m98 United States
Avramov Bozhidar 34 1m98 Bulgaria
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Cabanas Mario 39 2m07 Spain
Calloway Earl 40 1m90 United States
Caner-Medley Nick 40 2m03 United States, Azerbaidjan
Clark Daniel 35 2m11 United-Kingdom
Claver Victor 35 2m08 Spain
Conley Robert 47 1m98 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Dasic Vladimir 36 2m06 Serbia-Montenegro
De Colo Nando 37 1m96 France
De Miguel Ignacio 50 2m05 Spain
Douglas Ruben 44 1m92 United States
Driesen Yannick 35 2m15 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Eliyahu Lior 38 2m04 Israel
Ellis Tyrone 46 1m92 United States
English Carl 43 1m93 Canada
Eyenga Christian 35 1m98 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Fernandez Mario 40 1m92 Spain
Franch Josep 33 1m99 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Hampl Tomas 35 2m15 Czech Republic
Hansen Travis 46 1m98 United States
Hernandez-Sonseca Eduardo 41 2m12 Spain
Herrmann Walter 45 2m02 Argentina, Spain
Hervelle Axel 41 2m04 Belgium
Huertas Marcelinho 41 1m90 Brazil
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jaric Marko 45 1m98 Serbia-Montenegro
Jasen Hernan 46 1m98 Argentine
Jelinek David 33 1m94 Czech Republic
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Kaukenas Rimantas 47 1m93 Lithuania
Kelati Thomas 41 1m95 United States
Kirksay Tariq 44 1m98 United States, France
Koffi Alain 40 2m06 France, Ivory Coast
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Lakovic Jaka 45 1m82 Slovenia
Lavrinovic Darjus 44 2m12 Lithuania
Lishchuk Serhiy 42 2m10 Ukraine
Llull Sergio 36 1m92 Spain
Lofton Chris 38 1m87 United States
Lorbek Erazem 40 2m06 Slovenia
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Marinovic Marko 41 1m83 Serbia-Montenegro
Markota Damir 38 2m09 Croatia
Marshall Rawle 42 2m01 United States, Guiana
Martinez Rafael 42 1m90 Spain
Mickeal Pete 46 1m99 United States
Micov Vladimir 39 2m01 Serbia
Miso Andres 41 1m98 Spain
Moiso Jerome 46 2m11 France
Morris Terence 45 2m06 United States
Mumbru Alex 45 2m02 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
N'dong Boniface 47 2m12 Senegal
Navarro Juan Carlos 44 1m91 Spain
Nguema Richard 36 1m92
Nielsen Matthew 46 2m08 Australia
Norel Henk 36 2m09 Netherlands
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Oleson Bradley 41 1m91 United States
Oliver Albert 46 1m87 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Palacio Milton 46 1m91 United States, Belize
Perovic Kosta 39 2m17 Serbia-Montenegro
Pietrus Florent 43 2m01 France
Pinero Taqwa 40 1m93 United States
Piquer Hector 32 1m85 Spain
Popovic Petar 44 2m11 Serbia-Montenegro
Prigioni Pablo 47 1m86 Argentina, Italy
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Rabaseda Xavier 35 1m98 Spain
Radenovic Ivan 40 2m08 Serbia-Montenegro
Rey Xavier 36 2m00 Spain
Reyes Felipe 44 2m04 Spain
Ribas Pau 37 1m94 Spain
Rodriguez Javier 45 1m89 Spain
Rubio Ricky 33 1m89 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Teletovic Mirza 38 2m03 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tomas Pere 34 1m99 Spain
Tomic Ante 37 2m17 Croatia
Trias Jordi 43 2m06 Spain
Triguero Juan 40 2m08 Spain
Tripkovic Uros 37 1m95 Serbia-Montenegro
Tucker Clay 44 1m91 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Uriz Mikel 34 1m80 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Warren Chris 43 1m95 United States